VIsion is short for Vincent's Instrumentation Solution. It's a collection of Visual
Basic code libraries that allow you to control various equipment such as Multimeters
,scopes , power supplies over the GPIB bus.

Vision 5 Seamlessly integrates with Visual Basic 5.0 or Later. the whole package is
supplied as Sourcecode that is just loaded ito your projects. The GPIB kernel is contained
in a single Module. All you do is Add this to your project and you're set. Just Call
GPIBinit in your main programs startup routine.
Instrument libraries come in 2 flavors : As modules (.BAS files) or as Class objects
Whatever flavor you want to use.

The Classes can be linked to Graphical user interfaces that are loaded as custom
controls ( Source supplied for all of them )

Besides that it also allows you hardware access to things such as printerports and
other ports. the GPIBcore has also a set of routines to do 'bit-twiddling' on binary
The package allows you even to control instruments over a TCP/IP link. that's right you
can control GPIB instruments via the internet anywhere in the world. Just give the IP
address and you're done.
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