welcome to the Download zone. This locations allows you to download the stuff that I
made and place on the web.
Please note that this stuff is intended for NON-Commercial users only (see below ).
Many other people are using these tools constantly , and the tools provided are generally
working very good. However no assumption can be made of any warranty that it will perform
as expected under all conditions.
In other words : USE AT OWN RISK !.
Terms of usage :
All the software,sample code , diagrams , schematics and documentation are provided
'as-is'.This means that they have to be uses 'as-is' including all possible quirks and
bugs they may contain. The tools are being improved all the time. So check back
regularly. I do offer support by E-mail. In case of problems please send a mail
describing the nature of the problem ,and I'll try to solve it to the best of by
Important : These tools are for NON-COMMERCIAL use only. If you are a private person ,
hobbyist , student , or educational institution you can use these tools for free on the
following terms :
- You shall not distribute them to gain profit.
This means that you cannot distribute the runtime engines I built to make money.If you
are writing software that uses them you have to obtain a distribution license.